Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework to Develop Web App

Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework to Develop Web App

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Gone are the days when markets were controlled by big businesses and merchants. Now, small businesses are the way forward, and if you’re not quick enough to grab your opportunity, someone else will get hold of your market share.

One of the smartest ways to stay ahead of your competition is to choose Laravel Development services. Building large scale web applications require a well-documented & efficient ecosystem that Laravel’s framework provides. However, to understand the importance of Laravel, you will need to understand what makes it the best PHP framework.

Why PHP?

Budding web developers often decide to master PHP languages. It’s a universally acclaimed programming language & offers the simplicity of coding, easy learning, and a more agile approach that makes it more advantageous than other complex programming languages. Some of its benefits are:

PHP Features & Benefits

  • Simple & Swift
  • An open Source with great community support
  • Easy Integration with third-party apps
  • An abundance of frameworks to work with
  • Rich in functionality

When coupled with the comprehensive features of Laravel, PHP becomes the obvious choice. Its popularity is also justified by the fact that it is widely adopted by industry leaders across the globe and is supported by a huge community of developers.

Ready to Lead the Market with a Web App developed with Laravel?

Why Choose Laravel for Web App Development:

Laravel PHP framework’s popularity comes from its unique, groundbreaking features. Websites developed using the Laravel framework are easy-to-use and comprise several features enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competitors.

Besides, developers’ community relishes operating on Laravel considering it allows them to perform tedious tasks in less time. Let’s take a look at the Laravel features that makes it one of the most popular frameworks in the market.


  • Commitment to Security: Web apps exist in a constant threat from hacktivists, cyber vandals, and extortionists. Moreover, not every app is equipped with the best security features. Whereas, Laravel PHP framework is built to withstand cyber threats and ensures comprehensive security.
  • Boosts Performance: Performance is paramount for customer retention. Laravel’s cache system permits better website agility, reducing considerable wait time for the users.
  • Seamless Deployment: Laravel, the best PHP framework, guarantees a smooth deployment onto the server, thus enabling businesses to stay solid against the strong currents.
  • Synchronized Database Management: By using multiple databases, a web application can better handle concurrent users while still providing reliable performance. Laravel’s framework supports and sustains the heavy load without hampering the overall performance.
  • Testing: Laravel offers Unit & Automated testing which detects and prevents back lapse in the framework in the early stages of development that can save precious time, money & labour.
  • Easy Third-Party Integration: Laravel PHP framework has built-in features that support easy integration with third-party APIs. These alliances are vital for developing an application given the tremendous value they bring to the business owners as well as to the users.
  • Library to Learn New Techniques:  Laravel has an inbuilt library – Laracast – equipped with 1000+ screencasts. Its usefulness becomes self-evident during the development stage when intricacies arise at a faster rate.
  • Regular & Timely Updates: Laravel has a huge developers’ community enabling them to join the resource pool, work on simultaneous projects and continuously improve and debug the framework.

Where is the Demand for Laravel?

Laravel Usage by Industry Verticals

The cat-and-mouse chase between competitors has led to increased investments in building reliable, efficient, and scalable IT infrastructures. The government of states which promoted their IT service sector is also the benefactors of Laravel’s rise.

Besides, the surge in Cybercrimes, increased dependency on the web, rise in e-commerce businesses and inclination of Gen-Z towards the digital world has escalated the requirement for frameworks that will safeguard their privacy and provide a sense of calm.

Laravel web application development companies work effortlessly to provide the IT sector with the most sturdy and reliable platform to figure with. Considering most businesses are dependent on the IT sector, it becomes paramount to have the best PHP framework that can provide top-level security, scalability, performance, troubleshooting, and development tools.

Laravel PHP framework fits the bill perfectly with its futuristic design, evolving features, and libraries to learn new methods that enhance the overall efficiency of a system.

What’s New in Laravel for Businesses

Task Scheduling Mechanism with Mail Service

Pain Point – Web Apps Require Some Tasks to Run Periodically on the Server.

Web apps require some tasks – sending emails, optimizing databases, creating backups, generating traffic reports – to run periodically on the server for effective optimization. Its inbuilt Task Manager – Laravel’s Cron- helps set a specific time for executing commands like sending notifications or removing inactive users whenever required.

Thereafter, “Task Table” is created once the specified task is accomplished. It enables businesses to save time, money, and manual labour which otherwise could be spent on completing these tedious, time-consuming chores.

Bug Fixing with Automation Testing

Pain Point – Manual Testing is Time-consuming.  

Laravel’s Automated testing is time-efficient & usually, it is more accurate than manual testing. Automation testing also looks after the web app’s core features, therefore, it enables developers to secure the web app from bugs, errors, crashes, and also keeps it in adherence to the initial app requirements.

Moreover, Laravel comes with several in-built methodologies that enable automated testing and early detection of bugs since it is costly to rectify a problem in the later stage of web app development.

Laravel automation testing process

  • Laravel Airlock/Sanctum 

It’s an authentication system that expertly creates & manages login tokens, making it a vital Laravel security feature. It provides a safeguarded channel for various developers to work on simultaneously. Also, each token has a defined action, therefore, a threat can be identified easily with the help of Laravel Airlock.

  • Custom Eloquent Cast (Object Relational Mapping) 

ORM facilitates easier interaction of an application with its database that enables faster, efficient conversion of data between incompatible system types. Simply put, it creates a ‘virtual’ database’ which allows faster data exchange.

  • Multiple Mail Driver 

A web app file may have its benefits & unique destination. By configuring Mail – Laravel, a web app can use multiple email services to send bulk emails through local or cloud-based services.

  • Better Routing Speed 

Laravel 7.4.5 is equipped with a 2x faster speed than its predecessor which improves the performance of the web application considerably.

In-depth Look at Four Important Features of Laravel.

  • Security is Essential

Encryption of data and communication channels is necessary, along with due diligence to secure the web app. Laravel’s robust security safeguards businesses from Cyber Thugs and provides the assurance needed to excel.

  • Bring Scalability to Your Business:

Laravel is a necessity for enterprises. It empowers a web app with scalability that deals with the ability of an application to accommodate a sudden increase in demand. For a business owner, the challenge is to maintain the same response time for the increased number of users on the web app. Laravel can accommodate multiple databases, enabling a web app to handle various users without affecting its performance.

  • Collaborate for Faster Growth:

Alliances are important. They offer tremendous added value to the business owners. The core idea behind third-party app integration should be its usefulness to the users. A lot of time and money can be saved by tapping into existing resources instead of building new ones from scratch.

  • A Sturdy Architecture can be Game-changer:

Laravel provides business more control over the web app’s behaviour, justifying the need for a test-driven development approach. Its architecture improves interactions between files which results in a faster response time. Furthermore, its architecture improves the performance of a web app, unlike any other PHP framework.
Laravel's 'Model View Controller' Architecture

Expected Laravel Development Services from a Company

Expected Laravel Development Services from a Company2

  • Laravel Web & App Development: Laravel has in-built features for functional modification of a web app created for a specific business.  
  • E-commerce Development: Laravel provides tools for building essentials of eCommerce like Shopping Cart, authorization systems, and template files. Ready-made solutions & services are included in the Laravel eCommerce Development solutions package.
  • Web app Development: Laravel Web app Development provides solutions using methods and codes that are easy to use and understand, and also aids in rapid digital growth.
  • Laravel Cloud Development: Data security is vital for the success of a web app. Providing enhanced caching systems and services that will enable seamless & secure storing of a database
  • Laravel Migration Services: For Enterprises, advancement in technology generally means migration to software which might be critical for their future growth. Laravel Migration Services reduces the workload and allows easier migration that assists in staying ahead of the competitors.
  • Social Networking: To fulfil multi-dimensional business needs and to attract more web traffic, a Laravel Web Development company provides advanced solutions for effective social networking development.
  • CMS Development: Easy Theme implementation, SEO integration, engaging interface, multiple-use account, among other things comes under Content Management Systems that empowers businesses to grow in the right direction.
  • Laravel Enterprise Solution: A Laravel Development company offers built-in techniques to create a big-scale, enterprise-grade web development possible.
  • Custom Development & Integrations: Explore the qualities of Laravel that cater to segments like eCommerce, payment, and more with customized RESTful APIs, integrations, and custom dashboards. On-demand customization of solutions to accurately address particular business difficulties is what Laravel does best.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Secure payment gateways, Database security, User Privacy are the ingredients of a successful web app. Add layers of security to your web app and enhance trust and reliability with Laravel.
  • Restful App Development: Create RESTful web app solutions that can communicate with third-party apps and increase audience reach.
  • Laravel Custom Solution & Integration: Customization of solutions to flexibly address business problems across industries. Design a customized web app with Laravel’s robust features.
  • Template Designing & Development: Create a seamless web app that provides the best user experience with Laravel’s in-built template designs.
  • Laravel Extensions Development: Extensions are an essential part of a web app as it enables businesses to go a step higher. Add more features to create a more holistic, user-centric web app.
  • Laravel Maintenance & Support: Support and maintenance team addresses queries through support packages. The services can be availed on short & long-term requirements.

Laravel Compatible Web Apps

Laravel is extensively used in varied industries across sectors. A Laravel Web App Development company enables business owners to envision a web app that will provide scalability, reliable performance, and will further strengthen their business goals.

Laravel is compatible with several web app designs that are used across industries. Checkout Laravel compatible apps & their expected features

E-commerce Web App:

  • e-Commerce Website Design
  • Content Migration
  • Data Migration
  • Personalized Configurations
  • Customized & Managed Data Analytics
  • Optimization
  • Digital Marketing
  • Omni-Channel Approach
  • Integration with Multiple Platforms
  • Store Management Solutions

Apart from these services, a business owner should also be concerned with several other factors that will enable their business to be future proof. Fast page loading with easy navigation, genuine product pictures, focus on the shopping cart, strengthen your SEO, and including services of Social Media is a must.

Destination Management System (DMS) Web App/Portal:

  • Events Booking System
  • Payment & Checkout Systems
  • Customer Relationship Management Systems
  • Marketing & Advertising Software Solutions
  • Database Management System

A Laravel Web Development Company should enable business owners to manage multiple clients, events & more. Statistics & analytics will help with faster decision making while reducing the cost of hiring. Automation to save time and labour and assistance with delivering and managing paperwork is needed. Getting an overall view of various departments along with the details of the work, easy way to collaborate with internal team and clients, event listing, search, profile setup, activity feed, trends, among other things, make for an agile web app.

E-Learning Web App/Portal:

  • Authentication and User Profile.
  • Filtering System
  • Dashboard
  • Course Page
  • Payment Systems
  • Course Adding Page (for Tutors)
  • Notifications and Reminders
  • Admin Panel

Registration & profile management, search filters, dashboard, course page, payment methods, course-making & editing page, Push-Notifications, and reminders are some of the additional features an E-learning web app should have.

Social Networking Web App:

  • Login
  • User Profiles
  • Connections
  • Messaging
  • Creating Posts
  • Uploading Photos and Videos
  • Push Notifications
  • Feed
  • Payment Systems
  • Integration with other Social Networks.
  • In-app Communication
  • Database
  • Admin Panel for User and Content Management.
  • Integration of Data Sources
  • Location-based Services
  • Voice Interfaces
  • Live Video Streaming

Social Networking Web Apps are usually hard to decide upon which features to keep. Networks for building relationships, for media sharing, online reviews, publishing platforms, bookmarking sites, interest-based networks, among other things, are some of the features business owners look for in a successful Social Networking Web App. Apart from this, social networking experts are also necessary. They will grow the network and manage a certified community of specialists that will create designs users can fall in love with.

Invoice Generation Web App:

  • Integration with Accounting Software
  • Easy to use UI.
  • Cloud Integration
  • Automated Invoice Management
  • Profile Management
  • Invoice Settings
  • Security Feature
  • Track Expenses
  • Create Reports
  • Manage Clients
  • Track Payments
  • Multi-Currency

An Invoice Web App must also be equipped with a variety of payment acceptance methods along with a ‘payment due’ date. Furthermore, as a business owner, ensure the contact info is correct, and keep a record with numbered invoices to personalize invoices.

User Management Web App:

  • User Listing
  • Create New Users
  • User property management
  • Enable/Disable Users
  • Social Logins
  • Session Control
  • Multiple Logins/Users
  • Password Reset
  • Relations
  • Data Validation
  • Export/Import User Data
  • Support 24×7

For any successful business, it’s vital to create a strong base for the user to operate on. Business owners should equip their User Management platform with the above-mentioned features to enable seamless data and user management of the web app.

Audio Streaming Web App: 

  • Signup Options
  • Personal Profile
  • Streaming Options
  • Chat & Other Communication features 
  • Video Quality
  • Search Filters
  • UI/UX Design
  • Privacy
  • Notifications and Scheduling

Broadcasting web apps are in-demand nowadays, however, intricacies involved in developing them are many. As a business owner, it is essential to empower your users with adequate features in a web app. Donation systems, screen-sharing, hosting other streamers, and attention to privacy, should also be among many features of a successful Broadcasting Web App.  

Customer Relationship Management Web App:

  • Development Solutions
  • Mobile Applications
  • Integration Services
  • Migration Solutions
  • Training & Support
  • Maintenance & Upgrades
  • Consulting Services

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a fundamental tool for serving reliable solutions and maintaining healthy relationships with customers. In CRM, solutions vary from business supervision to customer relationship development to association management. Customer Relationship Management solutions assist from marketing to deliverance of a service or product, and the ever-changing technological landscape has made it mandatory to have solutions that will serve modern-day business needs. 

Restaurant Web App:

  • Online Ordering
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Push Notifications
  • Restaurant Finder 
  • 24/7 Multiple Platform Maintenance and Support  
  • Waiter App Integration
  • Upsell Management
  • Stop List and Promo Management 
  • Analytics & Machine Learning

Restaurant based web apps can have numerous features which can be beneficial for the business owners. Specs like special offers, discounts, logistics and route generation, location-based deals, realistic delivery estimates, quick reservations, reviews via Social Media, along with Loyalty Programs, customer database, easy menu display, and maintaining event listing. These are some of the important things business owners should keep in mind while developing a web app for the Restaurant/Hospitality industry.  

Event Management Web App/Portal:

  • E-cards/Invitations
  • Vendor Management
  • Guest Management
  • Event Schedule
  • Networking
  • Push Notifications
  • Live Streaming Option
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Allocation of Budget
  • Geolocation/Interactive Venue Maps 
  • Personal Mobile Wallet
  • Gamification

The services Event Management Portals/Platforms provide has several problems & opportunities attached to them. It becomes vital for business owners to look after several aspects of Event Management web apps that will improve their business even more.

Feedback, adequate virtual presentation, the app should be easy to use while there should be a dedicated method and system for data collection and processing. Import/Export features and Cloud access and storage should also be included in the features of the web app.

Content Management System (CMS) Web App/Portals:

A Content Management System (CMS) must be easy to use and must have the option to update the content regularly without involving the development team. Ability to make design changes, adding new features via plug-ins along with smooth workflow management should be an essential aspect of a CMS platform/portal. It will save time and money and will also improve the Digital Marketing aspect of the business given it is developed SEO Compliant.

How FATbit can Assist Businesses with Laravel Web Development?

For any business owner looking to get a web app developed with Laravel, look for a company that will assist you from the first step to last while adhering to all the important business goals. Similarly, FATbit Technologies offers custom Laravel web app solutions, and services with the best technology stack to enable the development of a reliable end product.

They cater to SMBs & enterprises with the help of a dedicated and proficient team of 200+ employees. As a software development company, FATbit is committed to innovation, agility, transparency, and transforming ideas into reality. Their expertise in Laravel solutions coupled with attention to security, data privacy, scalability, and performance separates them from the rest of the technology-driven Laravel Web App Development service providers in the industry.

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