User Experience Design and Optimization: What-Why-How

User Experience Design and Optimization: What-Why-How

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Ever wonder why nobody turned up even after you hooted enough about your new website redesign? If you still believe that old tech adage ‘build it and they will come’ perhaps you need to step out of the digital land’s Stone Age. Believe us you, it doesn’t work like that anymore. Your online business/website must know how to deliver engaging, personalized, and responsive digital user experience design to your visitors. Intuitive designs, real results, and set jet experience make them come back to you every time for more.

This article will provide you with all that you need to know about User Experience Design. Through the length of this article we will try to cover the following points:

– Statistics that indicate the importance of UX Design

– User experience design principles and rules

– Benefits of an optimized user experience for your business

– UX Design theories from the top tech giants in our industry

In today’s marketplace, where purchasing decisions are incited by online ratings and reviews of taste-makers and early adopters, only great products will survive.

The difference between an average design and a great design is INTENTION & EXECUTION. Best user experience design companies always work on this ideology. 

Simple, let’s admit it, the moment a user visits your website, you are apparently engaging in a user experience, and hence the quality of that experience will influence the longevity of that user’s stay on the site. So if you leverage a great user experience, you have fair chances to leg up on the competition. So, believe it that User experience optimization matters and it matters more than ever.

Industry stats which prove the importance of UX Design Optmization

  • 68% of users leave a site because of poor User-centered design
  • About a whopping 97% sites fail owing to bad UX designs
  • You have about 3 seconds for a user to find what they want on your web page before they leave.
  • 48% of users say that if they arrive on a business site that isn’t working well on mobile, they take it as an indication of the business simply not caring.
  • Only 55% of companies are currently conducting any kind of online testing to optimize user experience.
  • 44% of online shoppers tell a friend about a bad online experience.

UX Design and Optimization

The web has witnessed mammoth advances; however a website’s success still depends on just one thing: how users interact with it.

Few questions that run through any visitor’s mind as they experience your site and decide whether or not they will return or cruise further are:

– Does this website give me value?

– Is it simple to use?

– Does it navigate me to the right place?

– Am I engaged?

– Is it pleasant to use?

Whether you are aware of these or not, practically UX design is all about convincing them to answer “Yes” to all above questions.

It’s all about keeping your users hooked. Precisely user insights are the most important ingredient to establishing a great design experience for users. For user-perfected experiences, understanding the user’s thoughts and concerns is important.

Fabricating user-centric design involves a wide range of skills that encompass creating personas, wireframes, specifications, information architectures, interaction flows, high-resolution comps, and prototypes; conducting user research, doing usability studies, and organizing content. All this sits within the fuzzy boundaries of UX design principles.

User experience website design service
UX design and optimization is typically the kind of work for which we hire specialized UX professionals. This work is about execution.

More often than not, even the best UX focused companies overlook the significance of UX designs. Or the most common misconception is that it is only about visual appeal. Is it really so? NO…User-centred designs are practically more about problem solving. It facilitates interaction, positive experience and ease of usability.

Ok let’s put it this way, if you are targeting a user named David Merchant and he likes blue, balloons, and biking, you better work out a custom experience that makes him feel important and he can relate to what you create within 3 seconds of his visit on your site.

And well, as they say for every great thing to become realistic, there’s always an expert’s involvement. After 9 years of experience and rigorous research involved, FATbit insists on disciplined experience architecture that you call RESULTS!

User experience design principles/rules to making that big move

  • It has to be natural & intuitive.
  • He should never ever have to stop to think how to do something.
  • Operation must be consistent throughout to ensure a great user experience.
  • UX design is an idea to improve the lives of users and customer life-cycle.
  • Optimizing User experience is a process of discovery, vision definition, strategy, planning, execution, measurement and iteration.
  • Creating rich experience for user, is not only about the design, it is more about INFLUENCE.
  • Empower and respect your users. Happy users who experience helpful interactions that guide them through your products/services.
  • By following principles like creation of working prototypes, scientifically measurable UX results can be achieved.

Here are some of the many benefits that UX design leverage to your business:

User Experience Design Benefit

  • A better UX design Enhances the usability of the system and hence making it more ideal for customers
  • User experience optimization results in significant reduction in number of user errors
  • Improves the ease of use and learning for your customers
  • It increases your audience size and number of return visitors
  • Enhances user satisfaction, trust in the system, and also improves referrals for your business
  • Reduces development costs, maintenance costs, redesign costs, diminishes support costs, and documentation costs
  • It Increases transactions and product sales

And well, it just gets better if we hear IT honchos sharing their principles about UX design. After knowing User Experience Benefits, click here if you interested in knowing more about this service.


The handy cut out and keep list about Best UX design theories from some of the best tech giants’

  • “Manage to focus users’ attention. Focusing users’ attention to specific areas of the site with a moderate use of visual elements can help your visitors to get from point A to point B without thinking of how it actually is supposed to be done. The less question marks visitors have, the better sense of orientation they have and the more trust they can develop towards the company the site represents.” – Vitaly Friedman (Editor-in-chief Smashing Magazine)
  • “Fix the small bugs. As far as user experience is concerned, the little things matter.  “Learn peoples’ preferences over time. Design for one hand whenever possible. Take advantage of hardware buttons (start, back, and search). Gestures available: Tap double tap, touch & hold, pan, flick, pinch & stretch. Touch: recommended touch target size is 9mm. Minimum touch target size if 7mm. Minimum spacing between targets is 2mm. Visual size is 60-100% of the touch target size.” – Microsoft
  • “The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next main ingredient is simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own and use. True user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features” – Nielsen Norman Group
  • Google says delight the eye without distracting the mind
  • “Allow users to personalize their experience. People love to add personal touches because it helps them feel at home and in control. Provide sensible, beautiful defaults, but also consider fun, optional customizations that don’t hinder primary tasks.” – Google Android
  • “Our mission is to make the entire world more open, and this means reaching every corner, every person. So our design needs to work for everyone, every culture, every language, every device, every stage of life. This is why we build products that work for 90% of users and cut away features that only work for just a minority, even if we step back in the short term.” – Facebook


Crafting a user experience design that iterates, builds, and delivers quality products is indeed challenging and great teams make time to watch how real users react on what they built. FATbit – leading web design development company, being an industry leader insists on the same dictum.

Ask for expert consultation today from our highly skilled User Experience professionals and improve your website experience for better conversion. Drive your business the UX way.

Disclaimer: The Blog has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by FATbit on its blog, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.

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Comments (8)
Megan Christ

This is a great post on user experience design.Thanks for sharing! I completely agree that to make a website engaging you need to understand the preference of your customer base and have a sound knowledge of usability. Only then will the user experience design be intuitive.

David Lincon

Very informative.Yes it is the design and looks on which we focus the most.Never thought about users convenience while designing.I liked the design theories of some of tech giants.


I thought I knew enough about user experience but this post takes the concept on different level. The statistical data clearly highlights the importance of user experience and how it is missed.
For my next web project, I will only consider UX design agencies.
Thanks for the post

Laura Jason

Amazing article. User Experience design is so critical for our industry, yet we depend on guesswork to optimize it. I liked the way all important aspects have been covered and specially the statistics, they act as an eye opener. Now I will definitely start looking for the best user experience design companies to get my user experience optimized.
Thanks for sharing !