Unique Social Media Marketing Tips by Experts to Increase Sale of Online Store

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People or businesses, social media is a handy tool at the disposal of every one that can be a game changer. While some are lucky enough to get overnight success on social media, such cannot be the case with everyone. But the good thing is, if you move forth with the right approach and put continuous efforts, success is assured.

If, like millions of others, you too are looking for the right ways to get on with the social media marketing, then be glad to have landed on the right place. Here we have gathered social media marketing insights provided by the industry experts. These experts include from world’s leading digital marketers to the strategists behind the most successful and cutting edge technology solutions.

Without further ado let’s learn what valuable advice these experts have to provide on social media marketing.

Social Media Tips by Sam Hurley

Facebook is a goldmine for growing your online store:

  1. Utilise the many options available to you as a brand page. Include the ‘Shop Now’ button and even promote it with ad spend to gain even more clicks.
  2. Set up a Facebook Shop right on your page. Your customers can buy directly from this social shop and considering the rise of mobile usage, this is awesome for convenience.
  3. Get active in FB groups relevant to your niche. Connections and relationships = word of mouth interest which indirectly leads to sales.
  4. Facebook ads. Use them. Now! They are very cheap if optimized correctly.

Twitter can also be utilized to get more sales for your online store:

    1. Use the search function to actively find conversations relevant to your products. You can then jump on these (not in a promotional manner) and begin to strike up relationships with these people. Now, add them to a list and engage regularly.
      For instance, if you sell hover boards…
      “hover board”
      “hover tech”
      “hovering” “tech”
    2. Similar to above, search for influencers within your niche and build a rapport for mutual benefit:
      “tech” “influencer”
      “millennial” “tech” “speaker”
      “tech” “author”
    3. Be exceptionally responsive and friendly to customer complaints or questions from the public. This ultimately promotes your brand and eventually leads to sales, reputation and a great feeling!
    4. Use a human Twitter profile for interactions instead of a faceless brand. People will be much more receptive, willing to cooperate and buy from you.
Chris Makara
Sam Hurley, a lateral-thinking digital marketer ranked as the World’s #1 digital influencer by Webinale and #2 most influential digital marketer by Onalytica. Follow him on twitter @Sam___Hurley

Social Media Tips by Chris Makara

It’s no secret that you can make more money from your existing customers rather than trying to acquire new ones. One of the easiest (and overlooked) ways to do this is by following your existing customers online. This is particularly easy for Twitter.

Chances are you already have the email address of your customer…so simply import their email addresses into Twitter. Since they are familiar with your brand, chances are they will follow you back. And once they are following you back, they will be more engaged with any sales related tweets since they have bought from you before.

Chris Makara
Interactive Marketing & Digital Strategist. Skilled in SEO, Social Media, Automation & Analytics. Football Fan, Bacon Eater & Ambidextrous Bowler. Follow him on Twitter @ChrisMakara

Take your business to the next level using social media

Unique Social Media tips for Online Store by Sandeep Thakur

As per my recent market analysis, I believe that social media is primarily beneficial for those businesses that are selling their product online. Following are some social media marketing tips that will help you increase sales of your online store.


    1. Create store on Facebook to sell your products.
    2. Run promotional events for specific time to offer discounts and deals. Coupons should be used for such initiatives.
    3. Use the Facebook post promotion feature to improve your store’s sales.
    4. Ask customers and followers for their views to take the feedback on how to improve experience with your product.
    5. Respond to each and every message or comment from customers on your Facebook page.


    1. Hashtags play big role on Twitter, therefore, use the power of hashtag to increase the sale of your online store.
    2. Join Twitter chats that are related to your business and get your online store noticed by many.
    3. Properly monitor Twitter trends and participate if there are any relevant trends.
    4. Promote your product through images on twitter to make it more engaging.


    1. Share your product images with valid description and hashtags.
    2. Small videos of products should be used to promote it on Instagram.
    3. Using relevant and trending hashtags also make your images more engaging on Instagram.
Sandeep Thakur
Sandeep Thakur is a Digital Marketing Strategist at FATbit Technologies.His professional expertise also covers social media marketing and online branding for individuals or businesses.Follow him on Twitter @SandeepSKTR

Social Media Tips by Ed Leake

I’m a big advocate of Facebook advertising, but not in the way you see people using it.At Midas Media, my agency, we’ve devised a process we call the ‘frictionless Facebook framework’. The great thing about our framework is that it doesn’t require a huge amount of ad budget, in fact it can stretch even a modest spend very far indeed because it gets cheaper with time.

It scales beautifully too.

What does this framework look like?

Firstly, write content that is top level and supports but does not directly sell your products. For example, a furniture retailer might talk about interior design and décor. If you’re selling drones, talk about the latest models and maintaining them. Perhaps you sell health supplements, then help people understand what ingredients to avoid etc.

Promote these pieces of content on Facebook to custom and remarketing audiences; at this stage you want click-through, likes and post engagements. Exclude people who have already read/seen this content.

Move the people that click in to a new audience which are now ‘qualified’ but not warm, yet. In essence these people are raising their hands to say, “yeah – I’m interested”.

Promote another piece of content that is closely related to the first, this time make it price sensitive. So it could be a ‘high-end’ or low-budget focused piece, separate people depending on which piece they read.

Now you have warm, segmented audiences, those that like premium and those that prefer cheap.

Finally, start promoting content such as buying guides or latest product releases to each audience, that are focused around their preferred price point.

This technique can be used for cross and even upsell to the ‘budget buyers’ audience. In other words, show pros and cons for going with the more expensive option.

Don’t be tempted to push for the sale just yet – we’re looking for 4-6 touch points first to qualify cold traffic, to warm, to ‘ready to buy’.

The final step is the product push.

This process reduces the cost of engagements over time and in turn increases click-through rates, relevance and conversions. People in the 3-5th step are also perfect targets for super cheap page likes. Page likes work when they’re targeted, they add social proof and create a highly relevant and cost-effective way to quickly boost posts.

If you put the right content in front of the right people, segment them and nurture their decision making process – then they will welcome the product placement.

Go for the sale too soon and you’ll turn people off. Patience is key, because trust sells!

Ed Leake
Ed Leake is the Managing Director of Midas Media. His experience is cemented in rapid growth, enabling his client’s to achieve big returns on their marketing investments. Ed – a fan of doughnuts – is active daily on Twitter and Facebook

Tips by Daljeet

  1. Go with creative graphics while sharing products
  2. Integrate Twitter cards and Facebook OG tags in your online stores to enhance social media sharing.
  3. Use relevant industry specific hashtags. Also keep a check on trending hashtags.
  4. Make proper use of banner and bio of your social media profiles by adding related information about your services.
  5. Engagement is the key, so keep interacting with your connections and also try to resolve concerns and issues they are facing.
Daljeet Kaur
Twitter Parties/ #TwitterChats Addicted 😀 Shares DigitalMarketing & tech ideas.#GrowthHacker #SocialSmarter #SEM Tweets r my own 🙂 Follow her @DaljeetkKaur

Tips by Jeff Bullas

“Build your list and grow your traffic with your online store blog with calls to action and free information products”.

Jeff Bullas
#1 Content Marketing Influencer, Social Media Marketing Strategist & Speaker, Forbes Top 10 Social Media Influencer, #1 Global Business Blog. Follow him on twitter @jeffbullas

Tips by Steve Hutt

Your stores target audience is on social media. Do some competitive analysis of the first page competitors from your top keywords. See what social channels your competitors are active in. See the type of content they are promoting, be it curated, original, or promotional. With this information you can grow your online store through the trust and authority you’ve developed over time with timely and relevant content sharing.

Steve Hutt
Habitual eCommerce Entrepreneur and Founder of eCommerceFastlane.com [ A Shopify eCommerce Accelerator & Community ] Follow him on Twitter @stevenhutt

Social Media Tips by Ankush Mahajan

Add Social Testimonials (Images, Videos) to Your Product Pages

People love to buy what others are buying or otherwise trust using.  The fact remains that review and testimonials play a crucial part for any ecommerce website to get more sales. However, one can achieve even better results if they incorporate social angle to it, which highlights real users along with their testimonials. This adds a level of authenticity to the testimonial. For example, you can add Instagram photos of people using your products on the product page. This would give the testimonials more credibility and increase trust among consumers.

Showcase the Utility of the Products on Your Social Profiles

For any ecommerce business, the biggest hindrance is defining the use and vitality of their product. The best possible strategy to avoid such scenario is to share images, videos content on your social media profiles that highlights how the product can be used and what can be achieved after proper usage of the product. This would give better insights to consumers and will make it easy for them to choose the desired product. For example, a cosmetic brand can upload images of people on social media before and after they have applied the product to showcase the proper usage.

Ankush Mahajan
Ankush works as a SEO strategists at FATbit Technologies.His expertise lies in branding and formulating SEO strategies for business of a number of industries. Follow him on Twitter @ankushmahajann

Social Media Tips by Sylvester Jalnaiz 

As any online store owner know social media is a must have for eCommerce store looking to increase sales and branding. It’s important to make sure it’s done right. Following are some tips I want to share:

    1. Keep Things Visual – Social media is becoming only more and more visually-based – with the plethora of content out there, we need striking visuals to cut through the noise and grab our attention
    2. Emotional branding is a key element of design – Choose a quote that reflects the emotion you’re chasing and visualize it into a graphic.
    3. Useful & Valuable Content – By producing and sharing original, informative, and valuable content, your brand becomes a paragon of authority.
    4. Conversation directly – Want to get engaged with your audience? Pick an engaging question and create conversation starting graphics
Sylvester Jalnaiz
Community Outreach Specialist at @Canva. Canva makes design simple for everyone. Create designs for Web or print: blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more. Follow him on twitter @shanswizard

Want to know about the Social media trends of 2017?
Read this post

Social Media Tips by Victoria Marie

  1. Start giving customer support through social media profiles
  2. All recent offers should be updated on SM
  3. Use cross networks to promote one major SM profile
  4. Make your social media profiles more engaging and professionals than others
Victoria Marie
Victoria Marie is an eCommerce & social media Consultant. Expert in SEO, Social Marketing and paid marketing. Follow her on twitter @T10WL

Social Media Tips for Online Store by Kulwant Nagi

To increase the sales for any online store, the very first thing I will do is, place a retarget pixel on all product pages and a conversion pixel at the after sale page. By doing this I will come to know that which person visited my pages, but didn’t make any purchase. So with the retarget pixel, I can show them some discounts and offers to get them back on the site.

Second, I would find some informative pics in the same niche and run the boost ads on Facebook. Such pictures always go viral and hit the huge audience.

By doing this I can get more people on my FB page and ultimately on my site.

These 2 techniques done correctly will boost the conversion for sure.

Kulwant Nagi
Entrepreneur, Internet #Marketer, Blogger & Writer. Follow Kulwant on twitter @kulwantnagi

Social Media Tips for Online Store by Whitney Blankenship

My tip is to keep a human relation to your social marketing. People can tell when things are automated, so it’s really important to actually be social on social media. When people tweet you, respond and thank them. Engage with people by asking pertinent and interesting questions. I personally thank every person who retweets our articles, and if I can, I address them by name. You have to remember that on the other side of the screen is a human being.

I have conversations on social media, and I’m not afraid to joke around with our community. Our results? People engage readily with us on social media and they enjoy doing so. We’ve built a great community with this strategy.

Whitney Blankenship
Whitney Blankenship is the director of International Content at Ecommerce Nation. She uses her knowledge of intercultural relations and background in marketing to the benefit of companies seeking to develop internationally. Follow her on twitter @whitblankenship

Social Media Tips by Dennis Koutoudis

Have a stellar presence in all Social Media Networks. Your target prospects will also create engaging content around your products which you will distribute accordingly on various places online, generating more traffic to your online store.

Dennis Koutoudis
We assist Individuals & Corporations create Unique LinkedIn profiles. Follow him on twitter @DennisKoutoudis

Tips by Lauren Gilmore

There are two go-to marketing tactics I’ve used (and still do when applicable):

    1. Meme your way to customers: Who doesn’t love a good meme? And in marketing, these super sharable, ultra-relatable, and easy to digest visual elements not only get people to your site (or social platforms) they also keep them there while they look around. So make sure wherever this audience is landing is up to date and up to snuff.
    2. Social media marketing contests: Whether it’s a like and comment campaign on Facebook or Instagram your favorite outfit, social media contests can be a wildly beneficial (and absolutely free) way to increase fans, viewers, and – ultimately – users.
Lauren Gilmore
“Jane of [most] trades” with degrees in Music and Marketing. Currently working as Commissioning Editor for The Next Web. Follow her on twitter @lgilm0re

Social Media Tips by Michiel

Top of mind, I can think of three tips immediately:

    1. Use the social platform your audience uses. It’s the most obvious advice there is, but I see a lot of people focusing on Twitter, because it’s Twitter, where the desired audience is pinning images on Pinterest or Instagram all day. Put some effort in finding out what your customers use, and start using that as well.
    2. If you add a promotion/sales/whatever to Facebook, be sure to spend some bucks to boost that post. Facebook tends to emphasize informational posts and just pay less attention to commercial ones. They are quite good at filtering these. Boosting a post will give your post the desired reach and much more exposure.
    3. Engage, engage and engage again. Whether it’s social media, your blog posts or your newsletter. Nothing more awkward than unanswered questions. And a “thank you for your comment” now and then won’t hurt you either. It’ll build stronger relationships.
Michiel is COO and one of the partners at Yoast. Michiel writes for the company blogs and eBooks, works as a senior online marketing consultant on our website reviews and handles all day to day office related issues. Follow Michiel on twitter @michielheijmans


Hopefully, after reading all these valuable advices, tips and hacks, you would be pumped up to enhance your social media presence and make the most out of these platforms for your business. If you have any unique social media tips or hacks that can help ecommerce stores in increasing their sale, let us know by dropping us an email on connect@fatbit.com. We will definitely add your tips in this post if we found them to be relevant and valuable.

Disclaimer: The Blog has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by FATbit on its blog, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.

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FATbit Chef Post author

Agreed, Sam. Awesome info! We appreciate contribution of all the experts. We are sure these tips will help businesses in branding and growing their sales. Stay connected, and keep sharing your valuable insights with us.


Amazing article. Social media marketing for sure helps to increase sales online and to attract more and more customers.
Thank you.


If we implement each expert tips then we can definitely see success through social media, I agree with Steve Hutt knowing who your target audience can give your business more strength which leads to branding and good customer service, this are some good social media tips from experts.

FATbit Chef Post author

Thanks Shiva for your awesome comment. In a recent analysis, we found that many online stores are failing on social media for not leveraging it in the optimum way. So we planned to curate these tips by experts so that businesses can find all that they need to succeed in one place. Make sure you share it in your circle to help others benefit from it. And keeping coming back for more awesome stuff.

Lisa Patel

Wow… So many healthy advice from so many experts. Too good article. I want to add my experience, I have heard so many time from different person that Social media marketing is waste of time and you don’t get any result. But in fact, social media is the best channel to build the life long relationship with customers. Its the best platform where you can convey your message to all your customer. And directly or indirectly it will help you in online sale of your product.

Raju Chakraborty

Impresssive product videos may play a great role in attracting customers and increasing sales. Facebook also allows product catalog feature to display a few products.

parveen iiadm

Thanks for sharing such helpful information with all of us I appreciate your effort of writing a value able piece of content.

SEO Services Melbourne

Good to know these unique social media marketing tips. Glad that I’ve been aware of this essential knowledge. Thanks a lot.