Social Media Integrated Review’s System: Clone Script Features

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Authentic Customer Reviews act as the Best Marketing Asset for any business big or small. With plethora of options available online to make a purchase there is a high possibility that your potential clients will read and make a choice based on the reviews that you have. Therefore in today’s changing marketplace including and broadcasting Authentic Customer Reviews is utmost important.

Genuine online reviews will not only help you establish Trust and Credibility but will also lead to increased Brand Value.

Here we are about to share with you how FATbit is going to be a pioneer in developing Smart Social Media Integrated Review Systems like Stik that will help businesses build strong network of referrals through reviews shared by happy past clients. Our new system helps in marketing products or services in the form of reviews using vast social media network. This social infrastructure connects a business to reviewers’ friends and family via social media thus encouraging word of mouth marketing by broadcasting client reviews.

If you think collecting and managing online reviews for your product and service is a daunting task then hire FATbit; because our ‘Smart Social Media Integrated’ Review collection mechanism will make it pleasurable and easy!

Benefits of Having an Online Social Media Integrated Customer Review Management System in Place

  • Reviews help your potential customers or clients make an informed decision about your product or service being delivered.
  • Each review posted online by your past client act as an advertisement for your business.
  • If your website’s review mechanism is integrated with social media then it builds an extended network of friends of friends and increases your visibility.
  • It helps to increase user engagement and is an opportunity for you to start meaningful conversations with your clients.
  • Reviews act as word of mouth therefore it is bound to increase traffic and improve sales as well.
  • Putting up reviews publicly will also lend a positive image to your brand and will credibility amongst your target audience.
  • Social Media Integration helps you to get more number of authentic reviews in less time.

Also Read: How can I increase my website’s conversions for FREE?

What kind of businesses must have a review collection & management system?

  • Online Travel Portals
  • Healthcare Industries
  • Real Estate Websites
  • Ecommerce Companies
  • Online Hotel Booking
  • Online Food Portals
  • e-Learning Platform
  • Any business which offers service or products

Every website or portal has its own set of unique development and programming requirements
Hire dedicated programmers for your project

We offer two major services where:

1. Your registered service providers or sellers can Invite Reviews from their extended network or social media connections.

four-stepsClick to Enlarge (Opens in New Tab)

2. Your past clients, users or visitors can Write Review on your website and further share it with their social media connections.

2nd stepClick to Enlarge (Opens in New Tab)

How FATbit integrates review collection and posting mechanism?

Back End: This is how our behind the scene process works to help you build a strong referral system by reviews and rating management

  1. First of all you will add the description about your product, service or profile on which you want reviews.
  2. FATbit development team will integrate your website with all major social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Here we will also include email integration.
  3. Next we will brainstorm on the logic to apply to ensure that your visitors or past clients definitely post a review or give you rating.
  4. In the process we program the system in a way that it encourages visitors to share/use their social media profiles to help you get more visibility.
  5. We also develop programming algorithms to ensure that reviews posted for you on other social media networks are integrated and displayed on your website. Simply put, we automate the process of review collection & marketing just like Stik script does.

Also Read: Launch of a custom developed online store by FATbit [Case Study]

Front End: This is how the whole process looks to your clients or visitors. We try to make it intuitive and engaging at every step

  1. Your clients get an option to write a review for the product or service that fascinated them before they leave your website.
  2. They get to login for posting reviews using any social media network.
  3. After successful authentication of their social profile they can post the review.
  4. After that right before they are about to quit they get a choice if they would share their review with their friends or if they would like to recommend you to their social network.
  5. We also keep a track and ask them if they would choose any other social medium other than the one they used to login to invite more friends to review products or service offered on your website.

Benefits of a reviews management system:

  • This helps in increasing your network through social media and you get access to their friend list and you can contact them and ask for more reviews or recommendations.
  • Social Media makes it easy to authenticate and create a profile without any hassle

Why should you invest in a custom solution?

  • A clone script can never work as a Strong and Robust Review Management System which connects well with social media.
  • A good reviews system requires an Engaging design & Intuitive process to inspire more people to invite and post reviews.
  • A cheap clone will not be built using latest technology and algorithms to give you an edge over other review posting systems.
  • A good system like the one being built by FATbit will ensure that every review on your website is authenticated by a relevant social media profile ensuring that they are genuine and trustworthy.

FATbit has 9+ years of experience of working on diverse design development projects. Choose FATbit Technologies as your web development partner to get the advantage of review collection mechanism without Stik clone script integration.

Do not depend on an cheap system clone scripts; instead go for custom build systems which cater to your unique requirements.
For More details on our process and how we do it you can talk to FATbit experts
Ask for a FREE Consultation

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