thumbnail_ Service Professional Marketplace Work
Build Service Professional Marketplace – Everything to Know

With just a push of a button, we can order food, book cab or even hire a technician. Platforms like Zaask and Angie’s list are leveraging this crowdsourcing trend, where they connect people willing to do things like help people move, clean houses, repair things, or help with other personal tasks people need to get done. In a short span of time, these service professionals’ marketplaces with unique features have made their mark by

Online Spa Booking
Spa & Salon Booking Websites with These Script Features are a Huge HIT

The majority of people going to a spa/salon often have to sit in the waiting area for their turn to come. This has resulted in a new business model revolving around online aggregation and booking of spa/salons. Such websites are not only beneficial for businesses in making use of their unused time, but also makes it easy for the consumers to get last minute appointments. FATbit analysts did an in-depth analysis of this business

Online Meal Kit Delivery Business
Become the Next Big Name in Online Meal-kit Delivery Service by Adding These Features

Delivering meal-kits by mail is the latest ecommerce trend in food industry, which has taken the overhead of meal planning & grocery shopping away from people's busy life. Big names of the industry – Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, & Plated – are processing millions of orders on monthly basis and expanding their business at an impressive speed. FATbit ecommerce experts here have done an in-depth analysis of the online meal-kit delivery service to help

small business online offline marketing
Small Businesses are Killing it Offline & Online – 10 Growth Points to Prove it!

Small businesses are often referred as a lost cause when millions are being invested in big online stores. However, believing the same will be underestimating the street-smart small businesses. The reality is that they are growing offline as well as online by adopting dynamic growth strategies. This blog post will prove the same and make a strong case for modern small businesses.

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competitors research
How Competitor Research Can Improve Your Business?

When business ideas hit entrepreneurs, they just want to get them out there as soon as possible. But that’s not what business specialists suggest. Competitor research is something that should occupy your mind before anything else. Our guest contributor from SEMRush shares why competitor research is important and how you should go about it. Read on for strategic business insights.

Launch Your Online Multi-Vendor Marketplace - Featured
Why Choose Yo!Kart for building a New Multivendor Ecommerce Marketplace?

When we talk about shopping these days, the first thing that comes to the mind is e-commerce. This digital era has also led to the emergence of multi-vendor ecommerce stores, which can be easily launched with the help of a turnkey solution better known as eCommerce platform. This is where Yo!Kart outshines for developing a multi-vendor ecommerce marketplace. It is an ideal solution for startups & large enterprises that packs plethora of features. Read

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web design practices
Frequently Ignored Web Design Practices- Adopt to Look Great & Convert More

Website design is as much about conversion as it is about aesthetics. So, a web designer’ job is not only to create beautiful layouts, but also taking care of a website’s user experience. This post features crucial web designing practices and their impact on a website’s look and conversion prospect with visual illustrations.

Preliminary Buyer Persona with Facebook insights and Google Analytics
How to Create a Preliminary Buyer Persona With Facebook Insights and Google Analytics

To become the favorite of your buyers, you first need to figure out who they are and what they care about. It seems to be an easy task but if you really sit and think, it is something rather mindboggling. Today, we will teach you how to use Facebook Insights and Google Analytics to create a buyer persona you can actually trust during decision making.