20 Customer Touch Point Examples To Improve Your Customer Journey
B2B Clients Feedback
How To Get Feedback From Your B2B Clients?

Every entrepreneur aims at client satisfaction apart from revenue generation. There can be no business without a customer. Getting reliable client feedback is often a hassle for B2B businesses. Feedbacks are not driven by social media trends as the number of customers is less as compared to a B2C environment. Read along to get an understanding of how you can get relevant feedbacks from your B2B clients.

Mobile App Development Facts
5 Things To Consider While Developing A custom Mobile App For Your Business

When you have finally decided to expand your business to mobile, there are few things that every business need to consider. First of all with the advent of new technologies even in the mobile world, businesses need to decide whether they need a mobile app or a progressive web app. Before you build a mobile app understand these facts and use them for your benefit.

CRO Guide
The Inbound Marketer’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization

If you are able to bring traffic to your website, you must be able to convert it too. If it’s not so, you need to know what’s latest in the domain of conversion rate optimization. You can improve your sales dramatically by deploying right tools and practices at right time and place. To know how, check this inbound marketer’s guide to CRO.

Readymade Marketplace Solutions - thumbnail
Online Marketplace Solutions for Small Businesses – Build Your Marketplace MVP

Technology has always been the driving force behind innovative solutions and 2015 has been a great year for its development. Although every sector including fashion, grocery, education has embraced it but to use the full potential, they need quality products. Here is a list of few of our technology products meant for aspiring entrepreneurs, academic institutes, businesses, etc. The products of this list have already gained popularity last year and are ready to help

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Travel Industry in 2019
What Does The Future Hold For Travel Industry In 2019?

With the advancement of data harnessing technology and availability of social media all around the clock, the travel experience has completely altered in the past few years. New destinations and new personalized experiences are now in demand. Sellers can now mater consumer profiles that drive market activities that attract the new age traveler to your marketplace.

Mobile Commerce
How mobile commerce is helping revolutionise different sectors

Completing a decade in the industry, M-Commerce has replaced traditional trading methods with online mobile bookings and purchases. Giving more options to both consumers and retailers like, NFC & E-wallets, M-Commerce is turning out to be another force to reckon with. Read this post to find out more.

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Digital marketing plans
A Thorough Digital Marketing Plan For Your Online Business

Launching an online business has become easy, but merely creating a website does not resonate into success of the online business. For that, you need to incorporate digital marketing, which will not connect you with prospective consumers but also result in more sales. Although most online business do digital marketing, very few have a well laid plan, which is why results are not always optimal. Read this post to find out how to plan

Progressive Web Apps – The Best Alternative to Native Mobile Apps

In the current digital age, online businesses need to have a mobile centric strategy. In order to stay ahead, online businesses need to keep their mobile strategy in sync with the current trends. First it was mobile web, then came the era of mobile apps and now businesses are shifting towards progressive web apps. Some PWAs have been highly successful for many online businesses and seeing a 17% increase in conversions along with 53%