List of Best Kickstarter like Funding Sites. How to Start Your Own Crowdfunding Website.

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The hype around Kickstarter like fundraising site is quite justified considering it gave birth to high-potential brands like Moov and Ouya. The recent crowdfunding success story is Oculus VR that was funded by Kickstarter campaign and recently purchased by Facebook for nearly $2 billion.

However, Kickstarter is not the only crowdfunding platform. There are many Kickstarter like sites that entrepreneurs and startups use to raise funds and support.
We are sharing the list of best crowdfunding sites and companies to help you get an idea of competition. In case you too want to start your own crowdfunding site, then, we have some interesting points after the list.

Top List of crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter

1. Indiegogo

Kickstarter is the most popular player in the crowd funding scene but Indiegogo came into existence before that. Launched in 2008, it entertains donation based fundraising campaigns for a vast range of segments. It charges 9% on the fund raised, and refunds 5% in case the campaign reaches its goal.


2. Crowdfunder

The crowd funding site is an investment platform for startups and social enterprises. The team has gained recognition for creating investment ecosystems and connecting fund seeking entrepreneurs with local investors.


3. Crowd Supply

This online funding platform goes one step ahead to help makers & innovators with projects that involve physical products. It is not only a platform to raise funds but also acts as an online storefront to assist sales. It features products from a vast range of categories.


4. Kiva

Not every crowd funding platform is there for money. Kiva is non-profit organization that uses the concept of crowd funding to reach out to those who don’t have access to financial institutions. The team has been working towards the goal since 2005 and has helped people in need across the world.


Be it Kickstarter, Seedrs or Fundable, all crowd funding websites are helping their respective communities and spinning profits as well. Even though there are few Kickstarter like companies already active on web, there is still scope for crowd funding websites based on unique ideas and business models.
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How to Create Your Own Successful Crowdfunding Website?

Just an extraordinary crowd funding business idea is not enough if you want to start your own crowd funding website and make profits. Keep below mentioned points in mind while creating your crowd funding site and give competition to the likes of Kickstarter and Indiegogo;

1. Create a credible website

Look at any of the above listed websites, and you will discover that all inspire confidence and trustworthiness. A poorly made crowd funding website raises suspicions in the minds of pledgers and investors. That is why best crowd funding websites have impeccable user interface. In case you are creating a crowd funding website with a Kickstarter clone script, then, make sure that it promises a great website design.
Creating fundraising platform on clone software doesn’t bring uniqueness and custom features. That is why FATbit doesn’t recommend building Kickstarter like sites on clone scripts.

Hire a user experience design pro to help you with your website. He can guide you better about the do’s and don’ts of a good design that help engage a new user and not confuse him away. Here is a classic example of a confusing crowdfunding website:


Also Read: 101 things that make a website generate sales

2. Focus on one industry/ theme

While Crowdrise is a website where you can launch fundraisers on the causes you care about, Healthfundr is a platform that lists opportunities to invest in health sector.


There are various other crowd funding sites that cater to the funding needs of a specific industry. Starting your own crowdfunding website with a specific community in mind will make you stand apart and avoid direct competition with the likes of Kickstarter.

3. Initial marketing

To make your new fundraising website popular and gather initial user base quickly, it is important to undertake online marketing and promotional activities. In case you understand online marketing, creating the buzz around your Kickstarter like website wouldn’t be difficult. If you aren’t, then, you need assistance from an experienced online marketing agency.

While running PPC campaigns will get you online visibility, investment in SEO will help you connect with people on Google & Bing. Rather than investing all your resources on one marketing method, diversify and get the best of all.

Also Read: How to use paid and free online marketing mediums effectively

4. Offer something extra to the startups

You are well aware that you are not the first company to come up with a crowdfunding platform. Thus you should be thinking how you can offer something unique to the startups to feature their business idea on your website. Offer innovative options that go beyond displaying a video and uploading content and images about the project. The startups are looking for a marketing platform and real life mentors who can guide them. Try to build a platform where they can interact with their mentors and investors in real time. You can also offer something like a store where they can sell or collect pre orders for their featured product like CrowdSupply.


5. Keep commission low

While Kickstarter charges 5% fee to the funds raised and card processing fee of around 3-5%, Gofundme is said to charge a lower process fee. Keeping your commission low during the launch is a good idea to make your crowdfunding platform appealing to people interested in using crowdfunding platforms for raising money. Once you have built a user base, fee structure can be revised or additional ways of monetization can be added.
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6. Secure transactions and relevant affiliations

Because money will be changing hands, it is important to build a crowdfunding platform that supports secure and transparent transactions. Kickstarter uses Amazon Payments to process the large inflow of backer’s money.

In addition to empowering secure transactions, your crowd-funding website also needs to carry relevant affiliations and industry approvals. In case you are planning to crowd source for social causes, your website need to list partner NGOs, media partners, and support groups.

7. Create unique incentives for investors

Most investors are interested in monetary and non-monetary gains for their investment. Equity share and interest are two of the most common monetary incentives for investing in a project listed on a crowd funding website. Creative projects like films, books and other similar works offer scope of various non-monetary incentives such as special mentions, pre-order options and merchandise.


Creating new incentives and rewards systems is important to garner attention from investors and pledgers. Hence, make sure your Kickstarter clone supports unique incentives and rewards.

8. Social media features

A new online platform whose success depends on user base cannot afford to neglect social media. Smart social media integration will help initial users of the crowd funding site in sharing their campaigns and activities with friends and family. This way, the brand will get free publicity and gain new visitors as well.

So, if you are investing in a clone for your crowd funding site, make sure you choose the best Kickstarter clone script and cloning software offering social media features.

9. Strict control on projects

People in need are not the only ones who turn to crowd funding platforms. Spammers and fraudsters also look for ways to raise money and disappear with it. Hence, it is important to check authenticity and maintain strict control on listed campaigns to make sure that only genuine projects make it to your funding website.

While your team actively needs to work towards the goal, website should also be fitted with features that promote transparency and background checks.

10. Dodge the trap of low clone price

The success of crowd funding websites and huge returns in the form of commission has motivated entrepreneurs to invest in Kickstarter like programs. This demand led the emergence of Kickstarter clone scripts and clone software. However, not all the Kickstarter clone software promise quality features and best support.

In case you really want to create a crowd funding platform that can compete with the likes of Indiegogo, then, you need to partner with a professional website design and programming firm. An experienced team of designers & developers will first understand your crowdfunding website needs and then create a platform that will be most suited to them.

Do you want to start your own crowdfunding website and earn big profits? It is best to discuss your plans with seasoned web developers before buying a clone script.
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