Start Marketplace for Voice Artists with Top Script Features

Start Marketplace for Voice Artists with Top Script Features

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When it comes to connecting clients with voice artists, Voices, Voicebunny and Voiver surely are the biggest players in the market. Radio stations, advertising agencies, marketing executives, casting directors and voice talent agencies all nowadays rely on such voice-over platforms to search and hire language service providers such as translators, narrators and professional voice talents.

Due to the immense popularity of the voice-over portals, FATbit researchers analyzed the business model, revenue generation methods, and website features of such platforms. Our analysis is also aimed to help aspiring entrepreneurs launch a similar voice driven startup. Before moving to website features, let’s understand how these platforms make money through the business model.

Business Model

Business model of a voice-over  website revolves around providing a common platform to voice artists and clients looking to hire them. A voice-over platform provides a smart and fast way to help people and businesses hire voice-over artists from all over the world. Voice artists or voice talent create portfolio to market their skills and can also directly connect with clients in need.

Search will obviously play a crucial role in talent discovery. Add filters based on keyword, gender, experience or location to assist clients in locating the right voice-over talent.

voice artists marketplace business model

How such platforms generate revenue?

Voice-over platforms have multiple options to explore to generate income. does not charge commission on transactions. Most of its revenue comes from subscription based model. However, your platform can also earn by adding margins on top of set rates. A small portion of fee can also be charged for every successfully completed job.

online voice artist marketplace revenue model

Biggest players in the industry

The industry carries high profit making potential, and thus has attracted various startups over time. Here are the voice-over websites that have built a name for themselves over the passage of time:

  • VoiceBunny
  • Voice123
  • VoicesUK
  • Voiver

Now that you have a clear understanding of how such website work and make money, let’s throw some light on what features are the game changers.

Most Important Features

Your voice-over platform should lay emphasis on making things easily understandable for the user. Design the homepage in such a way that it is equally usable for both voice artists as well as hiring agencies. Let’s scrutinize each website feature to get a clear understanding of the working:


The homepage should be informative in nature. The homepage banner can be divided into two sections – one for clients looking for voice artists, and the other one for artists looking for jobs. Other distinguishing features of homepage can be as follows:

  • Prominent signup and search bar.
  • Add logos of prominent brands as clients to impress visitors.
  • Add a dedicated section to share company vision.

How it works section

Make space  for a dedicated section on homepage to clearly state what the website is all about and how it can help end user. This will greatly help first time visitors in understanding how to perform different tasks, register, and seek assistance if needed. Nothing technical but really helpful for visitors.


Praise and mentions from popular media houses is always welcome. Most websites fail to leverage on this opportunity. So it is always good to showcase your prominence. Being new in the industry, you may not have client testimonials to support but don’t forget to add them later.

Search for talent

Search is one of the most important tools for finding relevant information. Providing your site with phenomenal search functionality will make it easy for users to find artists as per their requirement. Add autocomplete option in the search to further simplify the search process. You can also add filters to streamline the search. These can include fields like:

  • Category
  • Gender
  • Language
  • Age Range
  • Union Affiliation

Prominent features on the search listing page can be:

  • Save to favorites
  • User rating
  • Number of listings
  • Name and Profile image of the artists
  • Tags
  • Request a quote button

online voice artist marketplace work process flow

User Profile

Plan a well-organized user profile page which must include profile name, picture, credentials, highlights, payments terms, studio, and service description. Adding demos of users in order to have a voice sample and feedback from earlier jobs can be of great help for prospective clients in making an informed decision.

FATbit analysts believe that this page can be enhanced further from UX point of view.


Being a P2P platform, a user can signup as a client or as an artist. If the user is registering as a client, he should be able to make search depending on the nature of services he is looking for. To simplify the sign up process, it can be divided for both clients and artists. Let’s discuss both these processes in detail.

User as a Client

If the user selects to create an account as a client, they should be taken to the signup form asking for minimal relevant information like:

  • First and last name
  • Company
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Username
  • Password

Request a Quote

Design a simple form for clients to request a quote from professional customer support. This feature is essential for large corporations that have complex projects. The website should also display prominent brands that have used the services in order to gain client’s trust.

Post a Job

One of the biggest challenges faced by online portals that deal in services is form submission. To create an effective form, one needs to evaluate user base and follow a user-friendly approach. You can divide the form into different sections.The information required to fill the form must include:

  • About your company
  • Project Title
  • Job Category
  • Job description
  • Sample script for job seekers.
  • The word count of the script.
  • Language
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Budget
  • Deadline for the project

Promote Job

As soon as the clients post a job, it must be reviewed before going live. This is an essential step to make sure that all the jobs follow the content guidelines, and there is no irrelevant jobs posted. Promoting clients can get various benefits:

  • Faster Approval
  • More responses
  • Ability to download auditions from job seekers
  • Share responses with other people has done a good work with this feature. Make sure your voiceover site also scores in it.


The profile section should display all the information related to the profile of the client. This includes:

  • Contact info
  • User Bio
  • Feedback
  • Favorites


In order to make it easy for the clients to manage all of their jobs, provide a dedicated job section with various categories:

  • All jobs along with link to post a job
  • Jobs saved as drafts
  • Jobs under Review
  • Active jobs for which client is looking to hire
  • Jobs that have been finalized but yet to commence work.
  • Jobs on which work has started
  • Completed jobs

Use filters to segregate all the jobs or separate all the jobs under different tabs. Look for such unique features in your voice-over clone.


All the Transactions between clients and artists should be made visible under the focused payments section. After a job has been finalized and given to a particular artist, the decided amount can be deducted from the client’s account. After the job is completed, it is then transferred into the artists account.

Pro tip – Make sure chosen clone script comes with secure payments functionality


For any peer-to-peer marketplace, a communication tool is essential to bridge the gap between the two entities. Make way for a nifty communication tool where clients can directly communicate with artists. Under messages, clients can access Inbox, Sent as well as Deleted messages.


Some novice users can find it difficult to get accustomed with the platform.This is why  a dedicated Help section is a must to answer all the queries of the users. Add  a search bar where users can even search for frequently asked questions. FATbit analysts recommend a similar strategy for all Voice-over clone aspirants.

User as an Artist

Signing up as an artist is an entirely different ball game. This is the reason why careful planning and execution is necessary to make the platform appealing to voice service providers. Here are the areas that you need to master:


After the artist creates an account, take them to the dashboard. A dashboard helps them manage their account. Here are few options that must be incorporated:

  • View profile
  • Upload demos
  • Reply to jobs
  • Explore the community

Collaborate with UX designers to make the whole process intuitive. Even if you pick a clone script to build your voice-over site, don’t compromise with UX design.

Find a Job

Use a voice match recommending engine to make it easy for artists to find jobs. The jobs section must display all the relevant jobs to the user depending upon the tags. Artists can sort these jobs based on:

  • Job number
  • Title
  • Language
  • Gender
  • Budget
  • Matching
  • Status
  • Deadline

Browsing all Jobs/artists

Most of the voice artist hiring portals give users an option to browse through database of service providers as well as jobs. So make an option where users can search for relevant jobs. Of course you need powerful search functionality for this.

Peer-to-peer platforms are in great demand as they bridge the gap between two interested parties. As online voice-over industry is a niche market, the popularity and success of the website depends a lot on the features it provides. If you are thinking of entering this market and building your own voice-over clone, the first step should be to incorporate all the above listed features in your website. FATbit team can add value to your project with its design, development and marketing expertise.

voice artist marketplace business model canvas

Get in touch with us if you are planning to launch a website similar to Voices, Voicebunny and Voiver.
Learn how much voice-over website will cost you
Get in touch

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Your information is really very interesting about voice artists marketplace top clone and business features.. Thanks for sharing this article.. I am glad to visit here and got an impressive information..