Best-in-class Website Features to Launch Tutoring Marketplace

Best-in-class Website Features to Launch Tutoring Marketplace

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Google is hailed as the god of knowledge but scanning through hundreds of result pages doesn’t seem enticing when you need the answers real quick. When it comes to students, answers to complex questions becomes highly vital. This is where online tutor marketplace comes into action as determining the authenticity of answers is also a big challenge.

Amongst popular question-answering sites and tutoring ventures, platforms like Studypool and focus on academic needs and managed to create an engaged user base as well as profits. Glorious rise of this niche market made FATbit team curious about the business model and key website features. Below shared are our insights about the unique tutor marketplace.

Entrepreneurs, pay careful attention if you want to launch online tutor clone script!

Business model and profitability

Based on a simple business model, an online tutor marketplace is a platform where students post their academic queries and get instant answers. When we say instant, we mean within few minutes. Help requests come from tutors that are expert in the mentioned category. Students can choose the tutors they think are best suited to address their query.

Online Tutor Marketplace Business Model

















While smaller questions are answered for free, other come with a fee out of which the platform keeps a percentage share. This is the neat way using which website makes most of its profits. However, there are other ways such websites can be turned profitable:

  • Price points of questions
  • Promoted tutor profiles
  • Ads

While most website users are college students, the percentage of high schoolers are also increasing. And so is the profitability of such student focused question-answer marketplace.

There are several big names catering to such business model:

  • Studypool
  • Tutorvista
  • Wyzant

Popular Online Tutor Marketplaces





















Now, let’s see how any website can plan its homepage to get maximum traction, and what website features you need to launch a successful clone:

Homepage attractions

FATbit analysts believe in the philosophy of focused homepage and thus recommend a similar one. Here are the major homepage highlights according to us that can surely make a difference on your website outlook.

Question posting on top – Questions matter the most to such platforms and that’s why the submission form should occupy the top place. Just above the section can be a tagline that clearly highlights what the website is all about.

Benefits and users – Just below the question posting feature the platform can have benefits that every user gets. After sharing benefits of using the platform, the homepage can share names of tutors with impressive ratings. Also included a button to initiate tutor search and become a tutor.

Recent questions – It is important to give first-time visitors an idea about questions posted on the marketplace. This is the reason why the website must have a section that lists questions along with category, tier, and due date.

Popular and testimonials – Some subjects are clearly more mind-boggling than others. ‘Popular Subjects’ section can list the ones most popular amongst the community. Just below a testimonial section can speak about platform’s effectiveness.

Besides the sections highlighted above, the homepage can carry signup, login, and links to other relevant pages. Let’s move on to the more critical features of an online tutor marketplace.

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Question posting functionality

As we said, posting a question is the core of such website. This is the reason it deserves the first mention and a great deal of attention. The tutoring website should provide a minimalistic question submission form on the homepage to make new visitors submit their questions.

  • Once you click on the Get Help Now button, students can be asked to share the time limit and set urgency filter.
  • That question will be posted without confirming user’s identity. The platform can next ask students to share email or signup with social media accounts.
  • After pressing done, tutors start to script their answers and respond to the questions within minutes.

The flow diagram shown below demonstrates the how students post questions on such websites.

Question Posting on Online Tutor Marketplace

The whole process of posting questions needs to be very smooth. Besides email and confirmation, the website should not seek any other form of data to go ahead with the process.

Result page

Once the question goes live, bids start coming in. This is where the profit generation kicks in. The results page of the website should also show recommendation along with the results. Such recommendations not only help students who want an instant fix but also help the website in maximizing its profit. In short, your script must bring this feature.

Answers functionality

Answers posted by the tutor are arranged under the question. The arrangement can be similar to the forum with some unique design elements. One such design idea involves hovering on the respondent’s name/photo to come across additional details about them.

Some interesting bunch of features can also follow the answer:

  • Complete question
  • Withdraw/repost
  • Discuss/reply

The one thing that would make your platform appealing to students is the ‘quick’ nature of replies. The question, if not extremely complicated in nature, need to be answered within minutes.

Student profile

Students need dedicated pages to view answers later and manage their activity. This can be accomplished through student pages. Some of the most critical points of the page are:

  • Reputation
  • Status
  • Balance
  • My Questions
  • Tutors
  • Internships

Message functionality

Making interactions easy with tutors is important to make students stay. Probably with the same goal in mind, the platform can integrate highly engaging messaging functionality. Neat interface and search functionality are the high points of this feature. This is something that your script must have.

Payment feature

Money changes hands, and that’s why every online tutor marketplace clone needs sturdy payment functionality. To ensure fair transfer, the payments can be kept by the platform and passed to the tutor only after a student gives a thumbs-up. This means that website acts as a mediator and handles the payment hesitations.

Tutor pages

Tutors too need dedicated pages to share their expertise, reviews, ratings, and other critical details to get more requests. That’s why the website must make provision of the same.

In addition to reviews and rating, the page can also carry:

  • Number of answers and students
  • Messaging option
  • Verification ribbon
  • Social sharing links

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Tutor registration process

A platform based on this business model needs a strong base of tutors to answer its growing community of students. To make sure only highly qualified and genuine people register as tutors, the tutoring platform should put into place through tutor registration process. Here are some of its most critical aspects:

  • Summary of teaching experience
  • Experience in academic subject
  • Education verification
  • Photo identification
  • Pledges

Tutor Registration Process
The website should only seek relevant information from tutors and must manage to create an impressive process. Make sure your online tutor marketplace script is flexible so that you can plan your registration process as per your needs and requirements.

Tutor listings

There is a fair chance that someone will not be happy with the credentials of the tutors that responded to answer a question. To handle this and accomplish more, the website should have a page where one can:

  • Browse tutors as per expertise
  • Chat, ask and add tutors
  • Run manual search

Also Read: Build a Textbook Rental Website Around These Features and Business Model

How it Works section

The platform should not stop at explaining how the website and payments work on the homepage. It must address a vast range of topics through the section and answers variety of questions. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that it must act like FAQ section in itself. Either get a highly efficient FAQ section for your clone or make a How It Works section as recommended by us.

Quick chat functionality

We mentioned the messaging feature but quick chat scores above it in terms of ease of usage. The chat window should show the number of tutors online and must categorize the tutors as per their specialization. To start the chat, however, users need to be signed in.

Also Read: 7 Reasons Why Live Chats Are Crucial For a Business & Its Consumers

Tutor panel

There is no dearth of unique features for tutors. This dedicated section should help tutors update their information, participate in contests, track performance, seek help and do a lot more. The Help section should mainly contain static pages such as:

  • How it works
  • Protection
  • Payments
  • Verify education
  • Reputation

Tutor panel is a great resource for tutors and cannot be skipped in any tutoring based platform. If you are starting yours, don’t forget to add it.

Review features

Reviews help students in making a decision about the tutor, and that’s why the functionality is highly crucial for similar platforms. the platform must request for a review when a student clicks on the Complete Question button. Comments must be short and pre filled as per star rating but can be altered as well. This adds ease to the whole process of leaving a review.

FAT suggestion – Make sure your online tutor marketplace script comes with review management feature

The platform can also gain mileage from mobile technology through a mobile app. The possibility that it will expand by developing focus areas as individual services or communities is already being suggested.

Business Model Canvas- Online Tutor Marketplace

Studypool and have proved that it is possible to build a profitable venture around questions and answers as well. Do you plan on launching a similar website? If you want to build something like it, then, look for a clone script that comes with above-listed improvements. In case you have something unique in mind as well, get in touch with an experienced team of designers and developers.

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Disclaimer: The Blog has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by FATbit on its blog, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.

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Value Assignment Help

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