Make Your Website Market Ready with Latest Design & Technology Trends

Make Your Website Market Ready with Latest Design & Technology Trends

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Post Updated On: 31st July 2020.

Technology, design standards, and business trends change over time. And adapting to these changes is crucial for your business. It ensures that your website continues to meet your customers’ expectations and also reflects your brand image precisely. So, it is critical that your website gets a redesign once every few years.

In the long run, a legacy website design can have many negative impacts on your business – lower conversion, higher customer acquisition cost, declining sales, and so on.

Change can be difficult. But if it brings higher ROI, it is worth it. That’s why even established brands like Google (search results page), Facebook, LinkedIn, and others, never shy out from giving their website a fresh look from time to time.

In this post, we have covered a few key reasons why your business needs an engaging website design for seamless user experience and sustained business growth.

Front-end Reasons: To Deliver Better User Experience

Your Website Design Is Not in Sync with Latest Design Trends

Website design trends change every few years. Trends that are widely adopted, implant patterns in user’s mind, which consequently make websites (based on those design trends) naturally intuitive to users.

For instance, material design & flat design are two of the most popular design trends that many businesses are adopting these days. Over the past couple of years, most online users too have become quite used to them.

Like it or not, with a clunky design, your website would look outdated, so would your business. Consequently, you will have a hard time acquiring new customers, even if your product is really great & valuable.

Suggested Read: 8 Trending Website Design Patterns for Online Businesses

Your Website Design Doesn’t Accurately Reflect Your Brand Image

Businesses constantly look for ways to get ahead of the competition – sometimes through a new service, a new product, or even a new vertical. So the shift in business focus is inevitable for every organization, large or small. Since your website is the online face of your business, it must accurately depict the essence of your brand at any given point of time.

For instance, over the years, FATbit’s service spectrum has evolved constantly based on industry’s requirements (from website design & development to internet marketing services, and now to turnkey ecommerce solutions for startups) and so have our website design – to ensure it conveys the right brand message.

Also, notice that our current website design also follows the latest website design trend (flat).

Your Website Is Still Not Optimized for Mobile

Targeting the mobile audience is on the mind of every business; yet, it is surprising to see that thousands of websites still do not have a responsive design. And even if responsive, then offer very bad & cluttered user experience on mobile devices.

Mobile friendly website

In 2015, Google rolled out the Mobilegeddon update to ensure only mobile-friendly websites appear in mobile search results. Last year, the search engine giant also announced that 60% of searches happen on mobile devices, and is also in the process of implementing mobile-first website indexing.

Mobile friendly websiteTherefore, ensuring that your website’s responsive design works flawlessly on a mobile platform is in the best interests of your business – whether we talk about customer experience or search engine ranking.

Bring a Delightful Experience to Mobile Users

Back-end Reasons: For Better Operational Efficiency

Your Website Is Not Built with Latest Technology

One human year is considered equal to several internet years. This means that the technology moves a lot faster and changes very often. A trending technology or design can soon become redundant in the near future.  It gives us the idea how fast the technology is progressing; and how outdated your website might become if you don’t redesign it.

Website security, page load speed, code efficiency, outdated plugins, or outdated framework with respect to plugins you need to use – there are many reasons to upgrade the technology used by your website.

Newer technology frameworks are advanced in all forms. For example, the option to merge & compress JS & CSS files is available by default, which reduces website speed significantly. For security purposes, the option to use token for username & password, shield against SSL injections, etc. are also taken care of with the latest technology.

website technology

And on top of it all, with today’s technology, scaling & customizing websites have become much easier.

Related Read: Improve Page Speed: Tips & Online Tools Recommendations from Pro Developers

Your Website Is Not Based on a Flexible CMS

Most websites (especially business websites) require content updates from time to time. In older days, webmasters had to depend on the technical team for every bit of content update. But then the concept of CMS (Content Management System) arrived to give web owners much better control over their website content updates.

CMSOver the years, CMSs have become more advanced, and today webmasters can make various content updates – manage text, graphics, forms, popups, etc. – quite efficiently.

If your website is still based on an outdated content management system, you are pointlessly wasting resources (including skilled human resources) on rather mundane tasks. This, consequently, results in higher operational costs, which you can easily reduce.

Your Website Is Not Built on an SEO-friendly Platform

Besides easy content updates, content management systems also play a crucial role in deciding how much & how easily your website can be optimized for search engines. For businesses that operate online or rely on online presence for customer acquisition, this should be a prime concern.SEO friendlyWebsites that are built on a readymade template but require dynamic URLs can benefit significantly from a design update with an advanced CMS.

Some other areas that must be checked to ensure the SEO-friendliness of the platform include – manageable Meta details, the scope for breadcrumbs, text-based navigation, sitemap, site search, duplicate content management, and redirection.


It’s a tough, competitive business world out there. To stand strong against the competition, you need to make sure that your business doesn’t miss out on anything crucial. While offering great products & services should definitely be your prime concern, you shouldn’t overlook your website’s performance.

All in all, a timely website redesign is like doing your homework – to ensure that you are on a good footing in the market when it comes to operational efficiency and delivering customers a rich experience. Beyond that, the value of your product can take care of the rest.

Get your website redesigned by an expert team of web designers

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