How to connect with online buyers & generate quality leads – Top Tips, Tricks & Cheat Codes

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No one minds paying for few chips in a bag full of air but when it comes to buying a service, people scorn at the mention of quoted price and incessantly haggle for a discount.

Making people hire you can be a real challenge on web. But this doesn’t mean that everyone dealing in online services have a hard time doing it. There are some brands and people that do it beautifully and, somewhere in between, make millions from it.

In this post, you will find tips, tricks & cheat codes of earning more while selling your skills or services online;

Get rid of the time eaters

If you will listen to clients, quoted price is always unfair and packages are always inflated. So, wasting your time trying to convince naysayers is obviously not the right way to go about it.

Your website should directly communicate with target audience, and directly or indirectly tell the others to look for cheaper options.

Following global brands do this flawlessly:

 Conversion Rate Experts 

Conversion rate

This company with a very self defining name offers vast range of services to improve website conversions. Here are the exact words that it uses to eliminate low quality leads;

– FATbit Technologies 

Though this brand dealing in web design and development services is not as straightforward as conversion rate experts, it does eliminate negotiators with its packages.


Because it offer branding focused design and custom development solutions, its packages fall in the premium bracket.

Create a sense of urgency

This is what ecommerce websites do very often. Be it discounts that last for just couple of hours or low in-stock status on the chosen item, all such tactics aim to create a sense of urgency for buyers.

Various online service providers use this tactic with minor twists here and there but some take the urgency factor to another level.

Neil Patel is one such serial entrepreneur.


The cofounder of QuickSprout and Crazy Egg claims to work with only one client at a time and always keeps one spot available (strange but he manages somehow). is an online brand that supplies a gentleman’s usual stuff. It raises the stakes of urgency in a very unique and creative way.


Indulge in psychological warfare

Being creative is not difficult; generating a sale with it is.

There are brands that use unconventional communication and graphics to make visitors think twice before leaving the website.

LandingPageMakeover does this by saying that it just takes 4 projects in a month.

Conversion xl

Then there is IWillTeachYou, a blog that claims to help you become rich. It uses a rather unusual message to make people download free material on offer. Here is the message for you;

do not click

FortySeven Media is a team of designers that asks you not to hire them if you are looking for something average!

By writing DON’T HIRE US on its homepage itself, the brand makes visitors pay attention and also convey that they don’t deal in ordinary work.

don't hire us

Be Loud, uncanny yet convincing

How about creating a brand communication no one could forget?
How about content that will startle the readers?

Precisely something like Erika Napoletano


She doesn’t mind swearing, flaunting a big tattoo and even charging $329 for coffee. She is the founder of RHW Media and helps brands with vast range of services.

Creating such a personality for your online website will not only earn you leads and clients but also make word-of-mouth work for you.

However, you do need to have strong points to get away with such communication.

Erika has a more than 18 years of industry experience and TED session to flaunt. So, people will obviously listen.

Make it sound difficult

Every man thinks he can fix that leaking tap but we all know what happens when he actually gets down to it. Similarly, when it comes to services (especially the ones rendered online), people think they can do it on their own. Or they think there has to be a free or cheaper option of doing it.

Your job as a service provider is to mention the technicalities, specific set of skills and insights required. Once your communication convinces the potential client that the job is actually difficult and needs a deft mind, you have generated a sale or lead.

Making a fortune on web while selling your experience, professional acumen and team’s knowledge is difficult but it is not something unachievable.

By generating real benefits for your clients and paying attention to above points, you can really sell almost anything online.

Tips on online selling

Disclaimer: The Blog has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by FATbit on its blog, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.

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Comments (2)
Drew Johnson

Coming up with such innovative ideas is not every marketer’s cup of tea. I really like the example of “Don’t hire us” hitting right on the negative psychology of visitors.I think I’m going to use it in my next banner ad.
Creating urgency is an old trick still used by few.
Great piece of work!

shoe lifts

Your job as a service provider is to mention the technicalities, specific set of skills and insights required. Once your communication convinces the potential client that the job is actually difficult and needs a deft mind, you have generated a sale or lead.