Content Marketing for Real Estate Websites – How to Get it Right?

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It is widely said that smart content marketing can generate sales and leads for realtors and agents. But at a time when everyone claims to be a blogger & content expert, who can say what’s right and wrong when it comes to content.

This post is a quick how-to guide for real estate website owners and agents who really want to generate leads from their content. Pay attention to below listed points to get your website and marketing content right;

1) Do your Homework

The first step of content marketing is content planning. To plan the right content, you need to know who will read it. Whether you are a builder, realtor or agency owner, first define demographics of your audience and then move ahead. For first time buyers, plan a beginner’s guide as they usually lack industry knowledge. For others, plan content that talks about family & financial benefits. Try to answer queries in your reader’s language.

Content should also vary according to the objective you wish to achieve through it. Some content will be purely informative and some promotional to generate leads.

Also Read : Everything you need to know about Real Estate Website Design

2) Update Content Regularly

Keep refreshing the content on your property website pages and FAQ section so that repeat visitors find something new and updated when they visit. Search engines also prefer sites that frequently publish quality original content. To update website content yourself, opt for an affordable dynamic website powered by a CMS (content management system).

Here is a preview of how easily you can edit a CMS based website from the backend:

real estate content marketing

Do not dump your written content in the form of PDFs and images. They cannot be read by search engines. Use images to decorate your blog posts and give examples through them.

Get a dynamic real estate website to update content yourself. Reduce dependence on a designers and developersGet a CMS driven website

3) Carefully Plan the Keywords

While you are working hard on content generation, see whether your web design & development company made your website relevant for real estate related searches. If they have not kept the SEO aspect in mind, then, you are losing loads of visitors and leads. Get your website optimized for local real estate searches. For instance, if you are in San Francisco, then, you must appear on Google for phrases like ‘real estate firm San Francisco’. Research keywords relevant to your business, location and include them when you plan your content and optimize website.

This can also be the approach when choosing a domain name for your real estate website. Top real estate agents prefer the name of the targeted location in their website’s domain name to gather more organic traffic.

4) Don’t Get Very Technical

Your friends in the real estate business are not going to buy the hot property you need to sell. Hence, keep the real estate jargon out from your feature sheet, blogs and website. It would be a shame if home buyers will not consider your real estate agency because you don’t write in a language they understand. Get rid of technical real estate terms from your website, blogs and even client mails.

5) Think About Visual Content

Everything is good with pictures. People like to look at property images and visual tours but only if the images are of high quality. Even if you are in-charge of the camera during backyard BBQ, we would suggest you to hire good real estate photographer to bring out the most impressive aspects of the property. Besides property images, tell your hired photographer to take pictures of neighborhood as well. People are interested in schools, restaurants and parks in the surroundings.

Paxlistings, a US based real estate agency makes a very smart use of images on website homepage.

paxlistingCustom Designed by FATbit

6) Create More Marketable Content

Always try to plan shorter content on your pages so that it is mobile search friendly and optimized for generic queries of your potential customers. Infographics with statistics and professional presentations about your projects are a fun way to share boring facts. Get one for yourself to spread your brand name on social media. Always provide social media sharing buttons with visual content on your website to expand your reach.

Your website developer can easily install the required plug-ins on your dynamic real estate website without any trouble.

Plan the content for online marketing that is easily shareable, engaging and helps generate more leadsContact FATbit’s Experts

7) Include Testimonials & Reviews

Through testimonials, reviews and other credible social proofs, you can build trust amongst potential clients. Put them on display in your website homepage, social media accounts and let visitors know that you are good at what you do. In case you have worked for some local celebrity and are involved in offline PR activities, share them in your content through examples & references. You can also get online visibility and build credibility through online PR.

Ask any real estate website design firm, and it will tell you the importance of such trust building cues.

kazadu testimonials real estateCustom Designed by FATbit

8) Share Some Industry Secrets

You have the best knowledge of how real estate market works and it wouldn’t hurt to share your wisdom through blog posts. This will make you an authoritative source in your field and people will consult you with their real estate needs. Best realtors and agents break down complicated facts in simple examples for readers’ understanding.

Figure out problems that property searchers come across while looking for real estate. Talk about them so that people can relate with you.

Also Read : Increase Online Sales via Conversion funnel Optimization 

9) Get a Website Blog

Your website blog can act as the most powerful tool for your content marketing efforts. If your real estate website still doesn’t have a blog, get one after consulting an experienced team of real estate website experts. Post regularly and share new properties through it. Blog posts can help you target relevant phrases and attract huge amounts of traffic if they are search engine optimized.

Also Read : 12 Effective ways to reduce the bounce rate of your blog

To give your blog an initial push, share it through your profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn.  Actively answer comments on blog posts to start a conversation and build relationships. And regularly monitor how your blog is performing and how many leads is it generating for you through google analytics Page Performance Report so that you can plan what kind of content you must publish.

Kazadu blogs regularly, chooses interesting topics, and gets the benefits.

real estate blogDesigned and developed by FATbit

10) Build a Network Online

Share your content through various discussion forums and communities related to real estate industry on social media. You will get brand visibility not by sharing content with links to your website but by giving meaningful inputs in discussions. You can at times opt to guest blog and build authority in the industry. In case you don’t have the time to post regular blogs and updates, hire someone with relevant industry experience to do it on your behalf.

All these efforts will help you build a network and get you more visibility when you share your content in future.

Above points will certainly give teeth to your content and establish you as a real estate specialist on web. In case you have any questions regarding online marketing of your real estate agency, share them with us and we will send a free report containing strategies & tips to improve online presence & increase leads.

How else you can market your real estate content better?

If you are looking for content marketing experts with industry specific experience and specialization in SEOGet in touch with FATbit

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