69 Tips & Ideas to Improve your Business Website & Online Presence

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On the eve of 69th Independence Day of India, FATbit put together the trade secrets of successful websites. With 70th celebration of freedom, we bring you the new mantra of brand evolution- visual engagement. As we’ve noticed in last one year that digital marketing has become multi-dimensional, it’s time you start taking visual engagement seriously. Read our 69+1 tip on customer engagement that we believe will reign 2016 and further few years.

Improve Visual Engagement

Celebrate freedom with us – Run a quick check to gauge potential of your online business and go about fixing all hitches using our strategies that yielded results for our clients.

Neat Ideas to set your Business free from Online Glitches

Stock the ideas of our design, development, UX and marketing experts to eliminate errors that hinder your online presence. Improve your online performance with following yardsticks:

Mobile APP

1. Choose titles and descriptions of your mobile app cautiously.
2. Focus on getting user rating. Prompt users to rate you.
3. Make efforts to get more reviews and display the best under app description.
4. Use all marketing channels to promote your mobile app.
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5. Perform extensive keyword research before setting up AdWords account
6. Use keywords match type (exact, phrase, broad and broad modifier) wisely. Well planned match type will ensure improved CTR.
7. Monitor Adwords daily and keep an eye on irrelevant search terms. Add them to list of negative keywords.
8. Use Adwords conversion tracking and place that code on important pages. You can add this code to all pages that you want to track.
9. Connect AdWords account with Google analytics to analyze all metrics in more organized way.
10. Follow bidding strategies to get higher clicks/impressions.
11. Setup remarketing campaigns to reach people who visited you in past.
12. Use ad delivery and locations setting as per campaign requirements.
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13. Never experiment with critical call to action buttons. Keep them plain and simple.
14. Keep your content forms short and request only for what you require.
15. Keep pricing transparent from the beginning. Never surprise the buyer with additions at checkout.
16. If you deal in products, use high quality images and add zoom functionality.

Also Read: How to Optimize Your Store’s Checkout Process to Boost Online Sales and Conversions?

User Experience

17. Go for a traditional navigation bar and labeling.
18. Inform visitors about your business idea in the homepage itself.
19. Make anchor text stand apart by giving it a different color.
20. Go for soothing color palette while creating your site.
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Tips by Developers

New Launch

21. Research extensively about market, budget, and future of business before launching a new online business.
22. Get clients’ feedback to build impressive public image.
23. Involve digital marketing experts from the very beginning.
24. Offer 24X7 free customer support.


25. Understand need of customers and design your product/service/offerings around it.
26. Focus on relevant resources to attract potential customers.
27. Follow integrated marketing where all your activities (content, website, social media, video, graphics, blogging, news publishing) are planned in sync to complement each other.

Social Media Marketing

28. Use rich media content on social media networks to enhance experience.
29. Exploit power of hashtags to increase reach of your social updates.
30. Schedule your posts to make your presence 24/7.
31. Customize images and add variety to updates.
32. Run campaigns, plan events to increase engagement.
33. Optimize social media accounts by adding appropriate heading, profile image, descriptions.
34. Work on increasing user engagement to build one-to-one relationship with fans and followers.
Use Social Media to get Referrals, Sell products/services and humanize your Brand
Decode the power of Social Media

Design & Development:

35. Build intuitive navigation structure to make sure that visitors stay on a website.
36. Use breadcrumbs to reduce number of action for users and increase website usability.
37. Use CSS Sprites and add image alt tags to make images search engine friendly.
38. Add well-structured content with proper tags like H1, H1, H3, H4, H5, and H6.
39. Create custom 404 pages to make sure visitors don’t feel disappointed on coming across broken links.
40. Add XML sitemap to increase search engine accessibility.

Also Read: Best Security Tips from Pro Developers to Protect Website from Hackers

Search Engine Optimization

41. Add target keywords in content, Meta tags and header tags, but don’t over optimize.
42. Make URLs that are short, descriptive and represent your website/business category.
43. Make right use of tags canonical tag, 301 redirection, robots Meta tag and robots.txt file.
44. Don’t just focus on links, build connections. Invest in natural linking.
45. Refrain from using traditional directory and bookmarking sites.
46. Recondition blog Posts into slideshare, videos and PDF.
Following wrong or inappropriate SEO techniques can land you in trouble
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47. Add clear call-to-action to give a path to visitors to accomplish their goals.
48. Optimize product description using clear, concise, unique content.
49. Add high quality images but make sure they load quickly.
50. Add customer reviews to product pages.
51. Interlink pages to pass link juice.

Also Read: How to Improve Ecommerce Website Ranking on Google? [SEO Case Study]

Blog Maintenance

52. Choose the right color scheme – shouldn’t pinch readers’ eyes – otherwise readers physically can’t stay on your blog for long.
53. Don’t forget to offer RSS feed, social media, and subscription buttons.
54. Respond quickly to blog comments.
55. Promote your blog posts via various content channels.
56. Write catchy titles and make good URL structure and post often.
57. Use appropriate anchor text for better interlinking.
58. Be consistent and post often.

Also Read: Improve Traffic of Business Blog without Writing another Blog Post

Connection building & Lead Generation

59. Adopt connection building approach- Follow industry influencers to find out potential connections.
60. Share your business story through different content marketing channels.
61. Engage and educate your target audience with relevant content.
62. Join conversation of groups/Communities where your fellow businesses and potential clients are available.
63. Invest public relations to benefit from earned media.

Online reputation

64. Invest in content marketing to build positive online reputation.
65. Use reputation tracking tools to monitor your brand mentions.
66. Do not react instantly to negative reviews/comments by customers.
67. Avoid negative SEO to push down negative search results, it will impact your website badly when Google updates algorithm.
68. Follow distinct strategies to treat cases of negative results on brand name and negative results on individual’s name.
69. Make social media a crucial part of your reputation management.

69+1. Make use of Instagram stories, LinkedIn videos, Facebook videos, and gifs on Twitter to engage your audience online.

If you are new to the web and want to know how to start, run and grow your online presence. Visit http://firstsiteguide.com/ for free resources, guides & help for web newbies.

If you have a website that still struggles to woo visitors, then go about fixing the hitches as stated above. We are sure, you will gauge significant improvement. For any help regarding all solutions given above, please contact FATbit

P.S. Celebrate freedom every moment. Happy Independence day India.
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Disclaimer: The Blog has been created with consideration and care. We strive to ensure that all information is as complete, correct, comprehensible, accurate and up-to-date as possible. Despite our continuing efforts, we cannot guarantee that the information made available is complete, correct, accurate or up-to-date. We advise - the readers should not take decisions completely based on the information and views shared by FATbit on its blog, readers should do their own research to further assure themselves before taking any commercial decision. The 3rd party trademarks, logos and screenshots of the websites and mobile applications are property of their respective owners, we are not directly associated with most of them.